Monday, February 28, 2022

Wylder Bride by Amey Zeigler

            Maisie Brinley has rejected every bachelor among Boston’s elite. At the old age of twenty-six, as her social climber of a mother insists, she has few choices left. When Maisie begins corresponding with a stranger who lives in the Wyoming Territory, she finds a soulmate, someone whose words connect with her heart. Mustering courage she crosses the continent to meet him face to face. But will he live up to her expectations?

Living in Wylder, Wyoming Territory—where men outnumber women ten to one—gunsmith Cyrus Haddock hides his disfigured face to avoid romantic rejection. Out of pity, he helps a friend woo a woman through letters. But the scheme backfires when he falls in love with the woman’s words. When they meet, how can he hide his feelings—or confess his love for Maisie when the one thing she demands is truth and honesty?

 Our Review: For a delightful and touching takeoff on Cyrano deBergerac, Wylder Bride is an unforgettable story with well-drawn, unforgettable characters. This is a book to spend an afternoon with, whether in front of a roaring fire—or at the beach, listening to soul soothing ocean waves. It is a love story that will stay with you for a very long time. 

 On a scale of 1-5, Wylder Bride deserves a 6.

 Kat Henry Doran, Wild Women Reviews


  1. Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed this book ❤️❤️😘😘

  2. Cyrano still makes a good story. Congratulations!

  3. Such a good review. I must get this book.
