Monday, February 26, 2024

Dead Girl by Kerrie Faye

 Her coffin will have to wait.

 About the Book: Dying has its perks...mostly. Bullied teen Ember O'Neill goes from the weird girl to the tyrant of her school when she is resurrected from a deadly prank. Now secretly supernatural, she dethrones the school drama queen and snags the hot new guy, but her reign is at risk when the Order, a heretical sect, sends an assassin to eliminate her. Ember must expose her powers, potentially losing all she has gained, in order to save herself and her friends as her killer closes in.

 Our Review: All of us have known the Mean Girls [and guys] in our world. Whether they infested high school, college/grad school, or the business worlds, they possessed that one quality that made us feel like nothing, less than. This why Dead Girl and its characters is relatable on a variety of levels—and makes you want to stand up and cheer. So get ready for the ride of your life as you watch Ember and her two best friends form a bond that leads them on an adventure worthy of All American heroes. For a first novel, author Faye has done a terrific job, and we wait for the next in her Dead Girl adventures. 

Based on a scale of 1-5, Dead Girl merits a 6.

Kat Henry Doran, Wild Women Reviews


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