Monday, July 22, 2024

Gone Crazy by Terry Korth Fischer

 Revealing secrets which small towns long to keep can be murderous.

 About the Book: A formal declaration of love scares the bejesus out of small-town Detective Rory Naysmith. As Valentine’s Day approaches, he evaluates his relationship with bookkeeper Esther Mullins, and decides to take her on a romantic date that ends with a poet’s murder. Assigned to the case, Rory pushes his private life aside. Things gets tricky after Esther is appointed Executrix for the estate—then rumors start that place a priceless item among the poet’s many possessions.

     The race is on to unearth the treasure and solve the murder, but it leaves Rory wondering if Esther will live long enough to become his Valentine—or end up as the murderer’s next victim. 

 Our Review: The author’s use of wry humor on the part of laconic police detective Rory Naysmith adds to the quirky cast of characters populating this unique Nebraskan community. To her credit, Korth Fischer has infused Native American customs and traditions, as well as tribal beliefs into the sub plot—making this third in the Rory Naysmith mystery series a true jewel in crime fiction. Well done!!

 Based on a scale of 1-5, Gone Crazy merits a 7.

 Kat Henry Doran, Wild Women Reviews

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