Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Night Watcher by M. Garnet

 Take the best chrome handgun, put it in the hands of a man who isn’t afraid to use it—and you have a combination that puts fear into the hearts of criminals.

About the Book:  He earned his gold detective’s shield the hard way: in a uniform by day, in school at night. Now the tall man who carries weapon that’s not standard, but can shoot through a car door, has a record of closing more cases with some of the toughest criminals on the streets.

The ladies working in the sex clubs love him and offer him free services. The top brass worries that most of his cases are closed with the perps dead, so there’s no need for court appearances. So far, no one’s proved he’s crossed any line. He’s even found a woman who has worked her way into his cold heart.

But she’s also deep into family corruption. Will his luck hold out?

Our Review: Written in the style of Mickey Spillane’s film noir style of the 1950’s, author Garnet takes the reader on a fast, wild ride through the dark side of town, one familiar to Detective Damian Walker. With crisp, no nonsense dialogue and prose, fans of the genre will love this one.

 Based on a scale of 1-5, The Night Watcher merits a 4.

Kat Henry Doran, Wild Women Reviews

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