Friday, May 10, 2024

Wiild Irish Yenta by Joyce Sanderly

 Do killers, stock manipulators, and kidnappers stalk the Temple?

About The Book: After the body of Roberto Gomez is discovered in Temple Israel’s parking lot, Patricia Weiss, nee Reilly, exchanges her suburban-mom sneakers for gumshoes to investigate the supposed hit-and-run. Patricia is compelled to uncover who killed the hardworking custodian and why. Before she can progress with her investigation, or work on problems in her difficult marriage to a busy cardiologist, and his controlling Jewish mother, she is plunged into the Temple’s troubles which include the disappearance of her rabbi-mentor, as well as the suspected misuse of Temple funds. Despite her husband’s concerns, Patricia and her buddy Brenda designate themselves The Yenta Patrol as they unravel the many mysteries facing them. 

Our Review: The inclusion of Jewish traditions and history adds a rich flavor to this story. The characters are real and well-drawn; the action is non-stop. Humor, especially on the part of the sidekick Brenda, is another strong point.

Based on a scale of 1-5, Wild Irish Yenta merits a 4.



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