Thursday, September 16, 2021

Killing Dreams by Donnette Smith

 . . . A serial killer is on the prowl and psychic Jenna Langley is an ‘eye’ witness to each death. The one man she dares turn to is homicide detective Cole Rainwater. But the last time she saw him was when their teenage love affair ended in tragedy. Cole would give everything to forget he ever knew Jenna. Until she strolls back into his life after ten years and rapidly becomes the center of a horrific set of murders which have rocked the small town he calls home. With a maniac on the loose, and innocent lives at stake, Jenn must decide if helping Cole bring a killer to justice is worth exposing the secret she’s kept all these years. . .

       Imagine being seventeen, madly in love, only to learn the boy you love is the son of a serial killer. Of course you want to support your love; unfortunately your parents have other ideas…

Now, ten years later, independent, successful businesswoman Jenna Langley ends up the town she was forced to leave ten years ago. After she starts having vivid dreams which involve the horrifying death of a woman, she goes to the police. Only the hotshot detective assigned to talk to her doesn’t believe her. Worse, she was the girl he once loved beyond all others; the one who deserted him at the lowest point in his life; the one he never forgot. And she’s got a pip of an unbelievable story to tell.

 Our Review:  Conflict—the main concept of all good fiction. In Killing Dreams, Donnette Smith uses the conflict between Cole and Jenna, both internal and external, to keep readers on the edge of their seats, turning the pages. Enhancing the conflict is snappy dialogue, wise-cracking secondary characters and a steamy setting. Who could ask for more?

 On a scale of 1-5, Killing Dreams deserves a 6.

Kat Henry Doran, Wild Women Reviews


  1. wow! great review! will check this one out.

    1. Wonderful! I hope you enjoy the story, Liz. Happy reading.

      Donnette Smith

  2. This sounds like a fabulous read! And what a great review!! Congrats to Donnette!

  3. Anything with snappy dialogue and wise-cracking sidekicks is worth taking a look at!

    1. I had a blast creating Jenna's best friend, Barbara Cassidy, who's number one goal in life is to give Cole a hard time. The wise-cracks never end with her.
