Trailer festivals can be
killers—in more ways than one.
About The Book: Rocky Nelson, newly retired and anxious to start her
new life, reluctantly agrees to attend a trailerfest at a local winery in hopes
of healing the rift between herself and her twin sister. After awhile, peeking
into vintage travel trailers starts to wear thin—then the guy who renovated her
sister’s trailer ends up dead—and her sister ends up high on the cops’ list of
suspects. Rocky slips into amateur investigator mode, not just to save her
sister but perhaps heal herself.
Our Review: A Deadly Combo takes the reader on a ride filled
with snappy dialogue, quirky characters and unexpected turns on a road that
leads toward family healing and personal redemption.
On a scale of 1-5, A Deadly
Combo merits a 4.
Kat Henry Doran,
Wild Women Reviews
Sounds adorable!!!! Congratulations on your debut!