Monday, January 20, 2025

Slow Train to Nowhere: Jenny

 To find her happiness, first she must believe.

About Slow Train to Nowhere: Jenny

Jenny Withers has never asked for much. Following a tragic childhood in England, she arrived in America only to be sent west on the orphan train and passed from one caregiver to another. Now grown and widowed, she might build a fulfilling future, but only if she finds the courage to stand up for her true desires.

Robert MacKenna hopes what Jenny desires is him. A man with a broken past and a restless spirit, he has trouble settling at anything. He’s never met a woman like Jenny, and he’ll move heaven and earth to be with her. But his toughest task may be convincing her he can provide the love for which she’s always yearned.

Our Review: Several things stand out with any story written by Laura Strickland. Among them is the attention to historical fact, particularly the fine details of customs and mores, as well as phrases commonly used, which took us, unwillingly, back to our youth. As with all the Slow Train stories, it is Strickland’s ability to show emotions of the lead and secondary characters which elevates her skill as a writer above others in this genre.

Based on a scale of 1-5, Slow Train to Nowhere: Jenny merits a 7.

Kat Henry Doran, Wild Women Reviews

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