About the Book: At twenty-one, Ezekiel Wilson is a man, grown up after hightailing it to Texas at the age of fifteen. He’s a valuable ranch hand, is prone to fisticuffs and brawling, although he doesn’t drink hard liquor. He has a fondness for saloon girls—until he meets a feisty Irish girl, Katie O’Neill, the sister of a cowboy he hires during a cattle drive. Katie is a healer, and although she lives with her aunt, who keeps a boarding house in Laredo, she soon comes to the ranch.
Zeke is able to properly court her, he suffers serious injuries and must be
nursed back to health. Youngest of the five Wilson brothers, Ezekiel longs to
become a family man, although he misses his mother and brother back in
Kentucky. When the Wilsons become owners of the Double Deuce Ranch, Zeke
realizes his family and the love they share are his birthright. With Katie at
his side, he decides he can face anything.
Review: There
are many fine points to be found inside this book; the author’s sense of
family—of the blood or of the heart—is likely the strongest point of all. The
love and respect forged by the Wilson men for their women and each other speaks
volumes for author Sontheimer Murphy’s ability to tell a compelling story.
on a scale of 1-5, The Birthright of Ezekial Wilson merits a 5.
Henry Doran, Wild
Women Reviews
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